What is your current title for work?

Strategic Change and Communication Lead at the Construction Sector Accord

How many years have you been in the construction industry:


When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do:

I didn't, I was born into it! My dad is an architect, still practicing at 81 and registered, tagging along to site visits as a child, then I married a builder who is now a site manager on a national Govt project, then I met Rosie Killip and Building networks, a national training company for building and fire compliance, most of my clients as a contractor were either working in construction or building compliance.

Taking this next step in my career made sense, to be part of a team that is partnering with the Government to influence the transformation of the construction sector, is a privelage.

What are you most passionate about?

Seeing others realise and press into their true potential, in particular women. I love it when women have 'light bulb' moments and realise their strengths, and just how brilliant and valued they are. I get really excited when they take action from these insights, step up, step out, speak up, and become more courageous and confident to be who they were born to be in the world.

Why did you join NAWIC?

Because it is an organisation that is driving to make changes in the industry for women, and that aligns with what I am most passionate about. I align myself with the values of the organisation and believe that women are stronger when they are working together for common goals, when they join their strengths and form a tribe. I believe in diversity and inclusion in the work place, not just for gender diversity but generational, neurological and cultural.

What would you like to see for the future of women in construction?

For young women and girls to see construction as an exciting option for them to enter as a career. For more women in the industry, but not just as a number ticking a box, for more women to have a voice and ideas that are heard and counted as valuable and necessary for balance. I would like to see unconscious bias change towards women in the industry and for it to become comfortable and easy for them to thrive and be who they truly are.

Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction:


  • Find out what your strengths are, do some profiling and get some coaching around stepping into those strengths. Gallup strengths - Reach - Talent dynamics are few good ones - its worth the investment.
  • Define yourself on your strengths, not who others think you are or should be.
  • Start to believe in yourself more
  • Surround yourself with others who want you to succeed in a positive way, build your tribe, your network and take care of it, you never know when you will need it.
  • Take care of your health and mind. 
  • Keep a sense of humour
  • Remember that often when someone has an issue with you, it is a reflection of their own issues
  • Don't take everything so personally


What is your favourite thing to do for fun:


  • Dance in the kitchen to loud music
  • Laugh out loud with my kids 
  • Walk in nature with my dog


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