What is your current title for work? 

Third year Painting and Decorating Apprentice 

Your current organisation for work: 

Team DH 

How many years have you been in the construction industry: 

2.5 years 

When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do: 

After purchasing my first home with my partner who is a builder, we promptly began renovating. I really enjoyed the satisfaction that came from being able to turn something old and worn into something new and sparkly, all with the use of paint. I was struggling in my desk job at the time and was really on a soul searching mission to find something I was truly passionate about. So I started asking around, spoke with family and friends, did some research and then decided to bite the bullet and apply for jobs. And now 3 years on, I’m in the third year of my apprenticeship and absolutely loving it. 

What are you most passionate about? 

I am super passionate about producing quality work, while also being respectful and respected in all aspects of the work place – I love being part of breaking barriers for women in construction! 

Why did you join NAWIC? 

I’m super passionate about supporting women in construction and I want to meet like-minded people and be part of a community who’s purpose is my passion. I also want a safe space to feel supported myself! 

What would you like to see for the future of women in construction? 

I’d love to see a higher percentage of women on the tools and more women taking on leadership positions and progressing in their careers

Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction: 

There is just as much room for women in the industry as men! Be confident and believe in yourself 

What is your favourite thing to do for fun: 

I love being creative! I have many different hobbies and enjoy them even more when I get to share them with family and friends. I also love music and really enjoy attending concerts.

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