What is your current title for work?

Senior Architect and Director

Your current organisation for work:

In Plan Site Limited – Cristina Capri Architect

How many years have you been in the construction industry:


When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do:


What are you most passionate about?

The process of the design of efficient and functional living space

Why did you join NAWIC?

To connect with people with similar interest and passion and educate about the role of women in a (not for long anymore) male dominated work place

What would you like to see for the future of women in construction?

  • Wage equality between man and woman
  • Women supporting other women
  • A greater collaboration between woman and man roles aimed to the creation of a better living space.

Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction:

Never be discouraged when confronted with challenges from the male counterpart. If it happens is only because men feel threatened by a woman that they cannot control or understand…their insecurity is often hidden by a grandiose ego.

We have still a lot to do when it comes to educating men about women…and it is tough for a man to relinquish status and privileges…

Never try to “become” a man or copy one, to succeed ... as women we must be proud of our intrinsic abilities and peculiarities

What is your favourite thing to do for fun:


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