What is your current title for work?

Project Manager

Your current organisation for work:

University of Otago

How many years have you been in the construction industry:

I have been in project management for six years now.

When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do:

I didn’t really! I wanted to work in project management and fell into client-side project management for a large University of Otago construction project. 

Why did you join NAWIC?

I hate to network but having a network is very powerful. NAWIC didn’t feel like traditional networking – it is just a bunch of great females helping each other out, learning together and having a bit of fun along the way. 

Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction:

Give anything a try, no question is a stupid question and the majority of people in the construction industry want each other to succeed and thrive. 

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