What is your current title for work?

Occupational Therapist / Project Manager

Your current organisation for work:

Sentinel Homes

How many years have you been in the construction industry:

5 years

When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do:

I have always had a passion for constructing since I was a young child and watching my dad build our home and helping complete projects on our farm.

What are you most passionate about?

My passion is designing homes with the client’s needs in place. My background of Occupational Therapy allows me a deeper understanding of health conditions and injury related needs and options to assist with this. I love sitting with clients and drawing sketches of what we could accomplish in the space available to make life easier for them.

Why did you join NAWIC?

I joined NAWIC because I wanted to meet other woman in the construction industry to be able to support each other and learn as we go.

What would you like to see for the future of women in construction?

I would like to see more opportunities for woman in all different trades and to be able to share our abilities.

Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction:

Go for it! Don’t let anyone tell you its not for you until you have tried it!

What is your favourite thing to do for fun:

I love riding my horse and spending time with my family hiking or biking.

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